
Our Story


Atiaia Renováveis is ​​part of the Cornélio Brennand Group. With more than 100 years of history, the group has as a guideline the continuous expansion of its activities, guided by dynamism, excellence, integrity and innovation.In addition to operating in the renewable energy segment, Cornélio Brennand has operations in other important sectors of the economy: real estate development, flat glass and cement.

Founding of the Cornelius Brennand Group

From 1917 to 2004, before entering the energy sector, GCB concentrated its investments in the flat glass, real estate development and cement segments.

Atiaia Energia

Creation of Atiaia Energia, headquartered in Recife (PE).

SHPs Garganta da Jararaca and Canoa Quebrada

The PCHs Canoa Quebrada and Garganta da Jararaca went into operation

Generation Operations Center

Installation of the Generation Operations Center (COG), in the city of Cuiabá (MT).

SHP Buriti

Start-up of SHP Buriti.

SHPs Paranatinga II and Porto das Pedras

Start-up of the Paranatinga II and Porto das Pedras SHPs.

RN Wind Farms

Acquisition of the project for two wind farms totaling 60MW of power, in Rio Grande do Norte.

PCH Pedra Furada

Start-up of SHP Pedra Furada. End of the 1st investment cycle with approximately R$ 800 million invested.

“Green Seal* of SHP Porto das Pedras

SHP Porto das Pedras was one of the pioneers to receive the “Green Seal”*

*From this certification, companies will be able to issue a renewable energy certificate to consumers interested in declaring to the market that they use renewable energy in their products, through a green seal.

Atiaia Energia 10 years

Atiaia Energia completes 10 years with 6 SHPs in operation. It has 91 employees in Brazil and 11 employees in Chile.

PCH Bandeirante

SHP Bandeirante wins the new energy auction starting the 2nd investment cycle.

PCH Areado

SHP Areado wins the reserve energy auction.

Infrastructure and Transmission Line

Construction of Basic Infrastructure and Transmission Line to serve the works of the future SHPs Bandeirante and Areado.

SHPs Gado Bravo, Matão Novo, Taboca, Retirinho and Tucano

2017 – Approval, by ANEEL, of the Projects for the Gado Bravo, Matão Novo, Taboca, Retirinho and Tucano SHPs.

SHPs Bandeirante and Areado

Start of construction of the Bandeirante and Areado SHPs.

Operation of SHPs Bandeirante and Areado

Start-up of the SHPs Bandeirante and Areado.

UFV Maravilhas Project

Start of implementation of UFV Maravilhas.

PCH Tucano

Acquisition of SHP Tucano

REC Brazil certificate

Obtaining the REC Brazil Certificate

Atiaia Renováveis

New brand, new positioning: Atiaia Renováveis